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May you live a long, healthy and productive life. A life full of achievements, joyful moments and spiritual growth!

Remember to keep learning and growing. 

Take care of your brain!   Spread the love!

Your Brain Matters

Commit to Lifelong Learning

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"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi.

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Your Brain Matters.  Take Care of it!

Lifelong Learning Nurtures Your Brain.

You need your brain for learning and learning nurtures your brain.

Multicolor vector image of the brain identifying 6 major parts of the brain


Colored schematic image of the human head showing parts of the brain

The human brain is an incredibly complex and fascinating organ. It is the most important and powerful organ in the human body and its functions are essential for our everyday lives.

With so many different parts of the brain, it can be difficult to understand how they all work together.

In this article, we will go over the different parts of the brain, what they do, and why they are so important.

Read on, to learn a bit more about the parts of the human brain.

The Cerebrum

The cerebrum is the largest and most complex part of the human brain. It is divided into two sections, the left and right hemispheres, each of which is further divided into four lobes: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.

The cerebrum is responsible for higher functions such as problem solving, memory, speech, emotions, planning, judgment, and motor control. It is also responsible for interpreting sensory input from the eyes and ears and for controlling voluntary body movements such as walking. 

The outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex and is made up of millions of nerve cells. This layer is responsible for interpreting incoming information and executing complex functions.

The cerebrum controls the activities that enable us to think and reason, helping us make decisions and solve problems. It is also responsible for our ability to learn and store information, as well as allowing us to recognize faces and understand language.

  • The Diencephalon

    The diencephalon is a division of the brain that is located between the midbrain and the cerebrum. 

    It is composed of several structures, including the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus.

    The thalamus acts as a kind of relay station between the cerebral cortex and other parts of the brain, sending sensory information to the cortex and receiving motor signals from it. 

    The hypothalamus is responsible for controlling homeostasis in the body, regulating hunger, thirst, and other bodily functions. 

    The epithalamus contains the pineal gland, which produces hormones that control wakefulness and sleep cycles.

    The diencephalon plays an important role in emotion and memory. It is responsible for processing sensory information and regulating body temperature, heart rate, and other autonomic functions. Additionally, it helps integrate information from different areas of the brain and is involved in decision-making processes. 

    Damage to the diencephalon can lead to loss of motor control, speech impairment, and emotional disturbances.

  • The Cerebellum

    The cerebellum is a vital part of the human brain and is located at the back of the skull. This part of the brain is responsible for coordinating movement, maintaining posture, and regulating balance and coordination.

    The cerebellum works together with the other parts of the brain to make sure that our movements are precise and smooth.  It consists of two hemispheres, both of which contain grey matter (cells) and white matter (nerve fibers). 

    The grey matter is responsible for processing information from the senses, such as touch and sound. It also helps with motor control. 

    The white matter transmits signals between different areas of the brain and coordinates responses to stimuli.

    The cerebellum is divided into several parts, including the vermis, flocculonodular lobe, paraflocculus, fastigial nucleus, and dentate nucleus. 

    The vermis plays an important role in coordinating movement and maintaining balance, while the flocculonodular lobe helps with vision. 

    The paraflocculus assists with coordination of the eyes, while the fastigial nucleus controls posture. Finally, the dentate nucleus plays a role in learning motor skills.

    The cerebellum works in tandem with other parts of the brain to keep us moving in a coordinated fashion. Damage to this area can lead to a variety of conditions such as ataxia (a lack of muscle coordination) or dysmetria (poorly timed movements). 

    Understanding the parts of the human brain, including the cerebellum, is key to understanding how our brains work and why certain conditions occur.

  • The Brainstem

    The brainstem is a vital part of the brain, connecting the cerebrum and the spinal cord. It consists of three regions: the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. Each region has distinct functions that are essential to life and normal brain functioning.

    The midbrain is responsible for controlling eye movement, vision, hearing, alertness, and motor activity. The pons is involved in respiration, balance and coordination, and sensory information processing. Finally, the medulla oblongata regulates basic functions such as heart rate, breathing, digestion, and blood pressure.

    The brainstem is also home to the reticular formation, which controls the body’s level of alertness and arousal. When stimulated, the reticular formation can cause an individual to become more alert or less alert, depending on the situation.

    In addition to its role in regulating bodily functions and alertness, the brainstem also helps regulate movement throughout the body. Specifically, it helps control voluntary movement (such as walking or running) by sending signals to muscles in the body. It also plays a role in reflex actions such as coughing or sneezing. 

    The brainstem is an important area of the brain and must be functioning correctly in order for an individual to survive. Without it, basic bodily functions would not be regulated properly, leading to serious consequences.

How Does the Human Brain Work?

Have you ever wondered how the human brain works? What makes us think, remember, and move?

For centuries, scientists have been attempting to answer these questions and finally, the mysteries of the human brain are being revealed.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the fascinating world of neuroscience and explore how the brain works.

Join us as we explore the intricate pathways of the human brain and uncover its secrets!

How the Brain Processes Information

When we think, talk or move, our brain is hard at work. But how does it do all of these things? The answer lies in understanding how the brain processes information. 

The human brain is made up of millions of neurons, or nerve cells, that communicate with each other to help us carry out our daily tasks. Neurons have three main parts: a cell body, an axon and dendrites. These parts act like electrical switches, allowing them to send and receive signals from one another.

When we experience something, our neurons fire off electrical signals in response. This information is then sent through the axon, which carries the signal to other neurons in the brain. The dendrites on the other neurons receive the signal and if enough neurons are stimulated, a new signal is sent off. This process is known as neurotransmission and it’s how the brain processes and stores information. 

This is just a basic overview of how the brain works. But as we continue to learn more about the inner workings of the brain, we’re gaining a better understanding of how it processes information and why certain behaviors occur.

  • 2. How Memory Works

    The human brain is an amazing organ, capable of storing vast amounts of information and allowing us to access it at a moment’s notice. But how exactly does memory work? How does the brain take in information, store it, and retrieve it when needed? Let's explore the fascinating science of memory.

    Memory is made up of three stages: encoding, storage, and retrieval. During the encoding stage, the brain takes in new information by actively processing it. This could be through hearing, seeing, or feeling something. The brain then organizes the information according to its importance and relevance. 

    Once the information has been encoded, it is stored in the brain in networks of neurons that form neural pathways. This process is known as consolidation, and it helps make memories more accessible in the future. 

    When we need to recall a memory, the brain begins the retrieval process. It activates neural pathways associated with the memory, which triggers a cascade of electrical impulses that causes neurons to fire in patterns similar to when the memory was first encoded.


    The science of memory is an ever-evolving field of study, with researchers continuing to uncover new insights into how our brains work. From encoding and storage to retrieval and consolidation, the intricate mechanisms of memory are essential to our everyday lives.

  • 3. What Dreams Mean

    Dreams are mysterious and often hard to understand. Many people have theories about what dreams mean and why we dream, but there is still much that science doesn't understand about the phenomenon. 

    What we do know is that dreams can be a window into our unconscious mind and they can provide insight into the psychological and emotional issues we are dealing with in our waking life.

    Dreams are created by the brain during a state of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During this time, the brain is processing information from the day and storing it in memory, as well as making connections between previously learned information and new experiences. 

    The brain also uses this time to process emotions and unresolved conflicts. All of these processes come together to create the dreamscape that we experience when we're asleep.

    Some believe that dreams have symbolic meanings and that they can tell us something about our current psychological or emotional states. 

    Dreams can reveal repressed fears, suppressed desires, and underlying anxieties that we may not be aware of in our waking lives. They can also be used to process complex emotions and memories, helping us to make sense of our lives and gain insight into who we are.

    Ultimately, what dreams mean is something unique to each individual. Some people prefer to interpret their dreams using personal symbolism, while others may seek professional guidance to help them make sense of their dreamscape. 

    Regardless of how you approach dream interpretation, understanding your dreams can be a powerful tool for gaining insight into your inner world.

  • 4. How the Brain Creates Emotions

    Have you ever wondered why we experience emotions? It turns out that the way our brains work is responsible for the range of emotions we feel. Emotions are created by the neural pathways in our brains. 

    The brain is composed of billions of neurons that are interconnected and communicate with each other through electrical and chemical signals. When we experience a certain emotion, these neurons create a particular pattern that can be used to identify the emotion.


    The area of the brain responsible for creating emotions is the limbic system. This system includes the amygdala, hypothalamus, hippocampus, thalamus, and other structures. It works with other parts of the brain to interpret information from our environment and turn it into emotions.


    The amygdala is particularly important for generating emotion because it processes fear and anxiety. It receives information about potential threats from other parts of the brain and produces the corresponding emotion, such as fear or anxiety. The hippocampus also plays an important role in emotion regulation by creating memories associated with emotions.

    In addition to these structures, the prefrontal cortex is also involved in emotion creation. This area of the brain is responsible for rational thought, so it helps to regulate the more primal emotions generated by the limbic system. It works to ensure that our emotions are appropriate for the situation.

    The process of creating emotions starts when information is received from our environment and interpreted by different areas of the brain. 

    This information is then processed by the limbic system, which creates the corresponding emotions. The prefrontal cortex then regulates these emotions to ensure they are appropriate for the situation.

  • 5. The Science of Decision Making

    The science of decision making is a complex and fascinating topic that has been studied for decades. At its core, decision making is the process of evaluating options to decide which one is best for achieving a desired outcome. While the process of decision making is largely intuitive, the human brain is actually quite adept at rationalizing its choices.

    The prefrontal cortex is an area of the brain responsible for many cognitive processes including decision making. This area has been found to be highly active when making decisions, suggesting it is heavily involved in the process. Scientists believe that this area is responsible for weighing the pros and cons of different options before making a choice.

    In addition to the prefrontal cortex, other parts of the brain also play a role in decision making. For example, the amygdala is responsible for generating emotions associated with potential outcomes, which can influence our choices. The hippocampus also plays a role in decision making as it helps store memories of past experiences that can inform our current decisions.

    The science of decision making is constantly evolving, but the importance of understanding how decisions are made cannot be overstated. 

    By better understanding the processes involved in decision making, we can make better informed choices and more accurately predict outcomes.

  • 6. What Happens When Things Go Wrong

    Sometimes, things don't go according to plan. This is especially true when it comes to the human brain. When something goes wrong with the brain, it can have serious consequences for a person’s health and wellbeing.

    One of the most common issues with the brain is mental illness. Mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia can cause significant disruptions in a person’s life. 

    People with mental illness often experience difficulty functioning at work or in relationships, or even in daily activities like cooking or cleaning.

    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is another issue that can occur when something goes wrong with the brain. TBIs can range from mild concussions to severe head trauma, and they can have long-term effects on a person’s physical and mental health.

    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease can also have a major impact on a person’s brain function. 

    These conditions are caused by the deterioration of the brain cells, and they can lead to memory loss, confusion, difficulty speaking, difficulty walking, and more.

    Finally, addiction is another example of what can happen when things go wrong with the brain. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug use despite harmful consequences. It can be caused by changes in the brain’s reward pathways, and it can have serious repercussions for a person’s health and wellbeing.

    No matter what happens, it’s important to remember that help is available. For mental illnesses, medications and psychotherapy can both be effective treatments. 

    For TBIs and neurodegenerative diseases, there are treatments available to help manage symptoms. And for addiction, there are many different types of treatment options available that can help people regain control of their lives.


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Seven Tips for Keeping Your Brain Healthy as You Age

As we age, our brain health becomes increasingly important. With age, comes the increased risk of developing dementia and other cognitive impairments. But there are simple steps you can take to maintain your brain health and reduce the chances of developing these impairments. In this article, we will discuss seven tips for keeping your brain healthy as you age, to help you stay sharp and functioning at your best!

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Brain Plasticity Explained

Little boy playing with a set of letter cubes

Topic List.

  1. What is Brain Plasticity
  2. The Science Behind Brain Plasticity
  3. Different Types of Brain Plasticity
  4. Factors Affecting Brain Plasticity
  5. Benefits of brain Plasticity
  6. Ways to Enhance Brain Plasticity
Photo of a fully in-tact human brain
Man with his hand on his chin, looking up to the skies and thinking

We all know that our brains are capable of incredible things, but what you might not know is that your brain can actually physically change itself. This process is called brain plasticity, and it means that our brains can adapt and change in order to accommodate new experiences and learnings.

In this article, we'll explore what brain plasticity is, how it works, and the ways it can be used to help us learn and grow. We'll also discuss the potential risks associated with brain plasticity and the importance of understanding how our brains are wired.

Little boy playing with his toy trains

1). What is Brain Plasticity?

Brain plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity, refers to the brain's ability to adapt and change throughout one's life. It is the brain's ability to modify its neural pathways and connections in response to experiences, environmental stimuli, and learning.

For a long time, it was believed that the brain stopped developing after childhood. However, recent research has shown that the brain continues to change and adapt throughout our lives, with the ability to create new connections and neural pathways.

This ability of the brain to adapt is critical for our learning and development, as well as for our recovery from injuries, strokes, and other brain-related disorders. Understanding the concept of brain plasticity is essential to appreciate how the brain works, how we learn, and how we can improve our brain health.

In summary, brain plasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experiences, stimuli, and learning, leading to the formation of new neural connections and pathways.

A red and blue pencil used for drawing on white paper

2). The Science behind Brain Plasticity

Brain plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity, refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself in response to changes in the environment, learning, or experience. This phenomenon occurs throughout the lifespan, from infancy to adulthood.

At the cellular level, brain plasticity is mediated by the complex interactions between neurons and the connections they form. Neurons communicate with one another through synapses, which are the sites where signals are transmitted from one neuron to another. When two neurons are frequently activated together, their synapses become strengthened, a process known as synaptic potentiation. Conversely, when neurons are not activated together, their synapses weaken or even disappear, a process known as synaptic depression.

These synaptic changes can lead to modifications in brain circuits, which are collections of interconnected neurons that work together to perform specific functions, such as vision, hearing, memory, and movement. For example, if someone practices playing the piano every day, the brain circuits that control finger movements, hand-eye coordination, and auditory perception will become more efficient and interconnected.

Brain plasticity is also influenced by various molecular and genetic factors. For instance, the production of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, can enhance or suppress brain plasticity. Moreover, certain genes are involved in regulating the growth and survival of neurons and the formation of synapses, which can affect brain plasticity.

In addition to learning and experience, brain plasticity can be induced by brain injury, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or neurodegenerative diseases. In these cases, the brain may compensate for the lost or damaged functions by recruiting other brain areas or by forming new connections.

Overall, brain plasticity is a complex and dynamic process that underlies many aspects of human behavior and cognition. Understanding the mechanisms of brain plasticity may have important implications for the development of therapies for neurological and psychiatric disorders, as well as for the enhancement of cognitive and motor skills.

  • 3). Different Types of Brain Plasticity

    Brain plasticity is a fascinating concept that describes the brain's ability to adapt and change over time. This adaptation can occur in different ways, resulting in various types of brain plasticity. Here are some of the most common types:

    1. Structural Plasticity: This type of plasticity refers to changes in the physical structure of the brain, such as the formation of new neurons and connections between neurons.

    2. Functional Plasticity: This type of plasticity refers to changes in the function of existing brain structures, such as increased activity in certain areas in response to specific tasks or stimuli.

    3. Synaptic Plasticity: This type of plasticity refers to changes in the strength of connections between neurons, which can be increased or decreased in response to specific experiences or inputs.

    4. Cognitive Plasticity: This type of plasticity refers to changes in cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and language, resulting from changes in brain structure or function.

    5. Developmental Plasticity: This type of plasticity refers to changes that occur during brain development, such as the formation of new neural connections and the pruning of unnecessary ones.

    Each of these types of plasticity is essential for healthy brain function and can be enhanced through specific activities and experiences.

    Understanding the different types of brain plasticity can help us appreciate the brain's remarkable adaptability and its potential to change throughout our lives. By focusing on enhancing brain plasticity, we can improve our cognitive abilities, boost our learning and memory, and potentially prevent or even reverse the effects of brain injury or disease.

  • 4). Factors Affecting Brain Plasticity

    Brain plasticity is an incredible process that allows our brains to adapt and change throughout our lives. However, the extent of our brain's plasticity can be affected by a number of factors. Let's take a look at some of the key factors that can influence our brain's ability to change:

    1. Age: Our brains are most plastic during early childhood, but plasticity decreases as we age. This means that younger brains are more malleable and adaptable than older brains.

    2. Genetics: Some people may be born with a greater capacity for brain plasticity due to their genetic makeup.

    3. Environment: The environment we grow up in can also affect our brain's plasticity. For example, children who grow up in enriched environments with access to a variety of stimuli, such as books, music, and art, may have more plastic brains than those who grow up in less stimulating environments.

    4. Injury or disease: Brain plasticity can also be affected by injury or disease. For example, stroke or traumatic brain injury can damage the brain and limit its ability to change and adapt.

    5. Lifestyle factors: Our lifestyle can also affect our brain's plasticity. Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities, such as puzzles or learning a new skill, can help enhance brain plasticity.

    It's important to note that while some of these factors are beyond our control, there are still steps we can take to enhance our brain's plasticity and promote lifelong learning and adaptation.

  • 5). Benefits of Brain Plasticity

    Now that we understand what brain plasticity is and how it works, let's take a closer look at some of the incredible benefits it can offer. Here are just a few ways that brain plasticity can positively impact your life:

    1. Improved Learning and Memory: As we discussed earlier, brain plasticity is essential for learning and memory. The ability of your brain to reorganize and adapt to new information is crucial for retaining knowledge and retaining it in the long term.

    2. Faster Recovery from Brain Injury: When the brain is damaged due to injury or disease, brain plasticity can help the brain reorganize itself to compensate for the damage. This means that people who suffer from brain injuries can potentially recover faster and more fully due to the brain's plasticity.

    3. Enhanced Creativity: Brain plasticity allows for more connections to form between different areas of the brain, which can lead to increased creativity and problem-solving skills.

    4. Increased Resilience to Stress: The brain's ability to adapt and change can also help it become more resilient to stress and adversity. By continually rewiring itself to better handle challenges, the brain can become better equipped to handle stress and maintain mental and emotional well-being.

    5. Slower Cognitive Decline: As we age, our brains naturally start to decline in function. However, research suggests that brain plasticity can help slow this decline by allowing the brain to compensate for age-related changes.

    These are just a few of the many ways that brain plasticity can positively impact your life. Now, let's take a look at some ways that you can enhance your brain's plasticity and reap these benefits.

  • 6). Ways to Enhance Brain Plasticity

    While our brains have an amazing ability to adapt and change through brain plasticity, there are also ways that we can enhance and strengthen this process. Here are some strategies that can help:

    1. Challenge your brain: Our brains thrive on novelty and complexity. So, challenging your brain with new and difficult tasks can promote the growth of new neural connections and enhance brain plasticity. This could include activities like learning a new language, playing an instrument, or trying a new sport.

    2. Exercise regularly: Exercise has been shown to boost brain plasticity by increasing blood flow, oxygenation, and nutrient delivery to the brain. Regular aerobic exercise, in particular, has been linked to improvements in cognitive function and brain plasticity.

    3. Practice mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness meditation can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on brain plasticity. By calming the mind and reducing stress, mindfulness meditation can promote the growth of new neural connections and enhance brain plasticity.

    4. Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for brain health and plasticity. During sleep, the brain consolidates memories and clears out toxins, which can improve brain plasticity. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night to support optimal brain function.

    5. Eat a brain-healthy diet: What you eat can also affect brain plasticity. Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients can help to promote the growth of new neural connections and enhance brain plasticity.

    In summary, brain plasticity is an incredible process that allows our brains to adapt and change in response to new experiences. By challenging our brains, exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness meditation, getting enough sleep, and eating a brain-healthy diet, we can enhance this process and support optimal brain function.

Protect Yourself from EMF Radiation

A person's hands holding a cell phone, in front of a hazy window, blurry cars can be seen through the window

As we travel along on our lifelong-learning journey, we need to pay attention to our overall health. We need to nurture our body, mind and spirit. A grave and silent threat to our health is the Electromagnetic Field radiation emitted by the many electronic devices that we use.

EMF radiation, or Electromagnetic Field radiation, is a type of radiation that is emitted by electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, and tablets. This type of radiation is also present in the environment, and can be produced by power lines, radio waves, and other sources. While some types of EMF radiation, such as visible light and radio waves, are not harmful to humans, others, such as those emitted by cell phones, can pose significant health risks.

In recent years, the number of electronic devices that we use on a daily basis has increased significantly. While these devices provide many benefits, they also expose us to high levels of EMF radiation. This exposure can lead to a range of health problems, including headaches, fatigue, among other things.

In order to protect ourselves from the dangers of EMF radiation, it is important to understand what it is, how it affects our bodies, and how we can reduce our exposure to it. By taking proactive steps to shield ourselves from this harmful radiation, we can reduce our risk of developing serious health problems in the future.

Let’s take a more in-depth look into this subject and how the
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A woman in glasses, sitting at her desk with mobile phone in hand and laptop in front of her.
A graphic of a communications tower with emf rays radiating from its transmitters
Three young siblings in colorful clothing, running through the woods
Lifelong Learning: Mother, Father and two young children, running on the beach.

How to Have Better Mental Health

Video courtesy:  Psych2Go


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Research and Resources

Brain Plasticity(Neuroplasticity)

According to Psychology Today, brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, refers to the human brain's ability to change and adapt in response to life experiences.  This brain quality is extremely important to all mankind.  The brain's ability to wire and re-wire itself (plasticity) explains why some older adults are able to thrive cognitively; or why some people with brain damage recover a great deal of their cognitive prowess (with therapy). 

Brain plasticity supports the following statements:

  1. The human brain does not stop growing after a certain age.
  2. You can teach an old dog new tricks.
  3. Cognitive decline is not inevitable as we age.
  4. Your brain can recover from damage.

    Source:  brainHQ.

Brain-related Resources

The Cleveland Clinic: 


Johns Hopkins Medicine: 

"Brain Anatomy and How the Brain Works."


"Human Brain"

The Mayfield Clinic: 

"Anatomy of the Brain."

The Mayo Clinic:

"Slide Show: How the Brain Works"

National Institutes of Health (NIH):

"The Brain Initiative"

NIH: National Library of Medicine:

"Information about the Brain."

"Neuroanatomy, Cerebral Hemisphere"

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For all of your brain-health resources, visit brainMD

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