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Perpetuam uitae doctrina

May you live a long, healthy and productive life. A life full of achievements, joyful moments and spiritual growth!

Remember to keep learning and growing. 

Take care of your brain!   Spread the love!

About Us

Commit to Lifelong Learning

"perpetuam uitae doctrina!"

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi.

Lifelong Learning. Open book on desk, next to a red apple

About Us.

Man in tan suite, no shoes, sitting on a wooden lounge chair on the beach,  and working on his laptop.

Who We Are

DoctrinaHub was founded by Ken Pantin, to act as an online platform where citizens of the world could come to discover (or re-discover) the benefits of lifelong learning and, in particular, its importance to brain health and to the enrichment of our lives.   

We also emphasize the fact that the world needs an army of citizens who recognize the fact that a lifelong-learning mindset is critical, in this highly-technological and rapidly-changing world.

We hope to act as cheerleaders to those seeking ways to learn more about the world around us, in the hope of becoming better citizens of our planet.

One open book and six closed ones, sitting together on a white surface.

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