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May you live a long, healthy and productive life. A life full of achievements, joyful moments and spiritual growth!

Remember to keep learning and growing. 

Take care of your brain!   Spread the love!

Dance A Little

Commit to Lifelong Learning

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"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi.

Lifelong Learning. Open book on desk, next to a red apple

Dance a Little. It is Good for Your Health!

Enrich Your Life!   We are here to point you in the right direction and cheer you on. 

Make a little dancing part of your lifelong-learning journey!

Black treble cleff with notes on musical  staff
Black and white silhouette of a man dancing on his knees

Do your thing!

Dancing is Good for Your Overall Health and Enriches Your Life

Dancing is not only a fun pastime, but it can also be a great way to stay physically and mentally healthy. It is an activity that not only enriches your life, but it is also good for your health.

Dancing is an aerobic exercise that helps keep your heart rate up and provides a host of other benefits. In addition to the physical benefits, dancing can also offer mental and emotional benefits, making it an excellent choice as part of your lifelong learning journey.

Sufi whirling dancer with hands outstretched, eyes closed and head facing heavenward.

In this article, we will explore why dancing is good for your health and how it can enrich your life.

Young dancer in a full, flowing, blue dress
Young man break dancing

Dancing Enriches our Lives in Many Ways.

  • Dancing is good for our cardiovascular health

    Dancing is a great way to keep your heart healthy. It is considered to be one of the best forms of exercise, as it combines physical activity with music. Not only is dancing good for your physical health, but it’s also good for your mental health. 

    The physical exertion of dancing helps to reduce stress and anxiety, while the enjoyment of the music and movement can help to relieve tension. In addition, dancing is a great stress reliever. By focusing on the rhythm and moves, you can take your mind off of everyday stressors.

    The physicality of dancing helps to increase your heart rate, strengthening your heart muscles and providing an effective cardiovascular workout. This helps to increase your overall stamina, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease. With regular dancing, you can enjoy increased endurance, improved muscle strength and greater flexibility.

    Overall, dancing is a fun way to keep fit and stay healthy. Not only will you enjoy the physical benefits, but you’ll also reap the rewards of a good mental health workout. So if you’re looking for a way to stay fit and relieve stress, dancing is the perfect choice!

  • Dancing supports good brain health

    Dancing is a great way to exercise both your body and your mind. It can help boost cognitive function, improve focus and concentration, and sharpen memory. Not only does it provide a good exercise for your body, but it also provides a good exercise for your mental health. 

    The physical motion of dancing stimulates the brain, releasing endorphins that can act as natural stress relievers. Studies have found that dance can improve mood and reduce anxiety, while providing an outlet for creativity. This can be especially helpful for those who have difficulty expressing their emotions or managing stress. 

    What's more, dancing is fun! It's a great way to interact with others, express yourself, and just have a good time. It’s a great way to get out of your head and get into the moment. Whether you're joining a class or going out with friends, dancing is an enjoyable way to enjoy life and keep your mental health in check.

  • Dancing helps us with improved coordination

    Good coordination is an important factor in everyday life. The benefits of dancing when it comes to improved coordination are numerous. Regular dancing can help improve your overall body awareness and coordination, while also honing your focus and reflexes. It is also a good exercise that can help you move around more easily and quickly. This can be beneficial if you're trying to increase your physical fitness or simply improve your day-to-day activities. Furthermore, dancing is fun and engaging, which is good for your mental health and can act as a stress reliever. With all of these benefits, it is easy to see why regular dancing can have a huge impact on your coordination. 

  • Dancing enhances our muscular flexibility

    Flexibility is an important aspect of overall health, and dancing can provide an excellent way to improve your flexibility. Through continuous movement and stretching, dancing helps to increase the range of motion in your joints, enabling you to move more freely and comfortably. Good flexibility can also help prevent injuries, improve posture, and enhance physical performance.

    Not only is dancing good exercise for increasing flexibility, but it is also good for your mental health. Flexibility requires a balance between body and mind, as we must be aware of how our body moves and reacts to different movements. This awareness can help us to be more in tune with our bodies, allowing us to enjoy movements with greater ease and less pain.

    Dancing can also be a great stress reliever, as it requires focus and attention on the present moment. Focusing on the present moment can help reduce stress by taking your mind away from worries and anxieties. Additionally, dancing is fun! When you’re having fun, your body releases endorphins that can help reduce stress and make you feel more relaxed.

  • Dancing provides us with a social outlet

    Dancing has social benefits as well. Not only is it a good exercise, but it’s also good for your mental health. Dance can be a great stress reliever and social outlet for both adults and children alike. It allows you to interact with other people who share a common interest and passion for the same activity. And best of all, dancing is fun! Learning to dance and doing it with friends is a great way to relax and enjoy the company of others. It can help build relationships and foster friendships, both old and new. The connections made through dance can be long lasting, providing an invaluable sense of community. 

Man and woman in black, dancing the Tango

Here is a Little Flamenco Dancing and Music for your inspiration!  Video courtesy, Ramon Kailani

An Argentine Tango Demonstration by Mat MaMoody

Dance and Movement as Therapy

"Dance/movement therapy (DMT) is defined by the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) as the psychotherapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual, for the purpose of improving health and well-being."

To obtain more information on dance/movement therapy, including how to become a dance/movement therapist, please visit the ADTA website.

Woman dancing with a blue silk sheet

The Value of Dance Schools and Studios.

Breaking it Down: The Benefits of Professional Dance Instruction

Dance can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling activity to learn and practice, but it is also one of the most challenging disciplines to master. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional dancer, having access to quality instruction can make all the difference in your progress.

In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of seeking professional dance instruction and the ways in which it can help to improve your technique and performance.

Male and female ballet dancers strike a pose
  • Improved posture

    Professional dance instruction is an excellent way to improve your posture. Proper posture is crucial for overall health and wellness, but it's also vital for dancing. If your posture is off, it can negatively affect your ability to perform dance moves correctly. 

    Dance instructors are trained to identify posture issues and provide corrective feedback to their students. They teach students how to hold their bodies correctly and engage their core muscles properly. Consistent dance training helps to build muscle memory, which means that good posture becomes more natural over time. 

    Aside from dance, good posture has numerous benefits, including reducing the risk of injury, increasing circulation, and improving breathing. It can also reduce the likelihood of back and neck pain, as well as other postural issues. 

    Dance is an excellent way to develop better posture, whether you're a beginner or a professional dancer. The key is to find a reputable dance school or studio that prioritizes good technique and provides quality instruction. With time and practice, you'll notice a significant improvement in your posture both on and off the dance floor.

  • Increased flexibility

    One of the key benefits of professional dance instruction is an improvement in flexibility. Flexibility refers to the range of motion in your joints and muscles. A lack of flexibility can result in limited movement and an increased risk of injury. 

    Through regular dance practice, dancers can gradually increase their flexibility and improve their range of motion. This is because dance involves movements that require the body to stretch and extend beyond its usual range of motion. For example, in ballet, dancers are often required to lift their legs high above their hips, which requires a great deal of flexibility in the hips and legs.

    Not only does increased flexibility improve your dance performance, but it also has practical benefits in everyday life. As we age, our bodies naturally become less flexible, which can make everyday activities such as bending over to pick something up or reaching for something on a high shelf more difficult. By maintaining and improving our flexibility through dance, we can stay agile and mobile for longer.

    Overall, increased flexibility is just one of the many benefits of professional dance instruction. By committing to regular practice, dancers can enjoy improved physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of community.

  • Improved balance and coordination

    Have you ever watched a professional dancer gracefully glide across the stage and wondered how they manage to move so seamlessly? One important factor is their exceptional balance and coordination, which can only come from years of dedicated practice.

    Dance classes are an excellent way to improve your balance and coordination, as you learn how to control your body's movements and maintain proper form. By repeatedly practicing various steps and routines, dancers develop a keen sense of balance, which is essential for executing fluid and graceful movements.

    Furthermore, dance instruction also helps improve coordination, which refers to the ability to synchronize your movements with your brain and muscles. In other words, it's the ability to perform complex sequences of movements in a seamless and effortless manner. With dance classes, you'll learn how to coordinate different body parts while executing steps, which is an essential skill that can be applied to other physical activities as well.

    Improved balance and coordination can benefit you in several ways, from reducing the risk of falls and injuries to enhancing your athletic performance. Moreover, it's an excellent way to boost your self-confidence, as you'll feel more in control of your body and movements.

  • Enhanced mental well-being

    Dance is more than just a physical activity; it can have a profound impact on mental well-being. Engaging in dance classes on a regular basis has been shown to reduce stress levels and anxiety, increase feelings of happiness and well-being, and boost overall mood. The combination of physical activity and creative expression releases endorphins in the brain, which can improve mood and reduce the symptoms of depression.

    Dance is also an excellent way to improve cognitive function. The coordination, rhythm, and timing required in dance classes challenge the brain and improve memory and concentration. Studies have shown that engaging in dance can improve cognitive function in older adults, which is particularly important for maintaining independence and quality of life.

    Dance classes also provide a sense of accomplishment and achievement, which can improve self-esteem and confidence. Learning a new skill or mastering a new dance move can be a powerful experience, and the supportive and positive environment of a dance studio can make it all the more rewarding.

    Overall, dance classes offer numerous benefits for mental well-being, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their overall quality of life. Whether you're looking to reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive function, or simply have fun and express yourself creatively, dance classes can be a great way to achieve your goals.

  • Improved physical fitness

    Dance is a great form of exercise that can improve your overall physical fitness. Whether you're taking a high-energy hip hop class or a slow and controlled ballet class, dance requires a lot of movement and physical effort. 

    Professional dance instruction will help you improve your cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and endurance. The rigorous training will tone your muscles and help you burn calories, making it a great way to stay in shape. In addition, many styles of dance incorporate jumps and lifts that can help improve bone density and overall physical health. 

    Dance is also a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints, making it an ideal activity for individuals who may have injuries or medical conditions that make high-impact activities difficult. By regularly attending dance classes, you can work towards improving your physical fitness and achieving a healthier lifestyle.

    Overall, the physical benefits of dance are undeniable. Not only does it improve your physical health, but it's also an enjoyable and fulfilling way to stay active. With the guidance of a professional dance instructor, you'll be able to improve your overall physical fitness and reap the benefits for years to come.

  • An outlet for self-expression

    Dance is a powerful tool for self-expression. It allows you to communicate without words and express your emotions in a physical and creative way. Whether you're dancing to classical music, contemporary beats, or hip hop, you have the freedom to move your body and express your innermost thoughts and feelings.

    In a world that often values conformity and uniformity, dance offers a unique opportunity to be yourself. When you step onto the dance floor, you can leave your worries and inhibitions behind and fully embrace your individuality. Dance allows you to express yourself in a way that is authentic and true to who you are.

    Furthermore, dance provides a space where you can explore different aspects of your personality and emotions. Whether you want to convey joy, sadness, anger, or love, dance allows you to do so in a way that feels meaningful and fulfilling. By connecting with your emotions through dance, you can develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance.

    Dance also offers an opportunity for personal growth and development. By continually pushing yourself to improve your technique and performance skills, you can gain a sense of accomplishment and confidence. You can set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them, which can lead to a sense of empowerment and motivation.

    Overall, dance is a valuable outlet for self-expression that can help you to connect with your inner self and grow as a person. By enrolling in a professional dance school or studio, you can take advantage of expert instruction, feedback, and guidance to help you develop your skills and express yourself in the most meaningful and authentic way possible.

  • A sense of community

    Dance schools and studios not only provide professional dance instruction but also foster a sense of community among their students. By being a part of a dance school, students can connect with other dancers who share similar interests and passion for dance. This connection can lead to lifelong friendships and even networking opportunities within the dance industry.

    Additionally, being a part of a dance community can create a supportive and inclusive environment where students can feel comfortable expressing themselves through dance. Many dance schools offer performances or showcases where students can showcase their talents and receive positive feedback from their peers.

    Moreover, being a part of a dance community can promote a sense of belonging and purpose. As students progress in their dance education, they may have the opportunity to take on leadership roles within the studio or assist in teaching younger students. This sense of responsibility can instill confidence and pride in students and create a sense of ownership in their dance community.

    Overall, the sense of community created by dance schools and studios can enhance the overall dance experience and provide valuable social connections for dancers.

Dance Schools in the USA

Are you looking for the perfect place to learn the art of dance? Look no further than these premier dance schools and studios in the United States! With outstanding faculty, excellent facilities, and an array of classes and programs to choose from, these top dance schools are sure to provide the perfect setting to hone your skills and find your feet. Read on to discover the best dance schools and studios across the United States and learn more about their programs and offerings.

  • The Julliard School

    The Julliard School is widely considered to be the crème de la crème of dance schools in the United States, and with good reason. This prestigious institution, located in New York City, boasts an impressive faculty of world-class dance professionals and a rigorous curriculum that pushes dancers to excel. 

    One of the main draws of The Julliard School is its Ballet Division, which offers training in both classical ballet and contemporary ballet techniques. Students can also pursue studies in modern dance, jazz, and tap. With a focus on technical excellence, artistry, and performance, dancers who attend The Julliard School can expect to develop their skills and hone their craft in a challenging and inspiring environment.

    Notable alumni of The Julliard School include Mikhail Baryshnikov, Twyla Tharp, and Wendy Whelan, among many others. The school's reputation as a breeding ground for world-class dance talent has helped cement its status as one of the top dance schools in the country.

    If you're serious about pursuing a career in dance and are up for the challenge of a rigorous training program, The Julliard School is definitely worth considering. With its exceptional faculty, unparalleled training opportunities, and track record of producing some of the most successful dancers in the industry, it's no wonder The Julliard School continues to be a top choice for aspiring dancers.

  • Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

    For over 60 years, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater has been a renowned institution in the world of modern dance. Founded by Alvin Ailey in 1958, the theater has become a trailblazer for dancers and choreographers alike. Their mission statement includes "presenting important works of the past and commissioning new ones," and this dedication is clear in their repertoire. The theater is also dedicated to fostering diversity in dance and ensuring that their work reaches as wide an audience as possible.

    The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater has its own school, the Ailey School, which is also renowned for its commitment to dance education and diversity. Students can choose to pursue either a professional or recreational track, and both options offer top-notch instruction from experienced dance professionals.

    The theater's signature work is undoubtedly "Revelations," choreographed by Alvin Ailey himself. This stunning piece explores the history and struggles of African Americans through dance, and it has become a staple of the modern dance canon. Other notable works in their repertoire include "Cry," choreographed by Ailey for one of his muses, Judith Jamison, and "Rennie Harris' Lazarus," which was commissioned for the company's 60th anniversary.

    Overall, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is a true gem of the modern dance world, and their commitment to diversity and education sets them apart as a truly remarkable institution.

  • Debbie Allen Dance Academy

    The Debbie Allen Dance Academy, founded by legendary dancer and actress Debbie Allen, is a premier dance school located in Los Angeles, California. Allen is best known for her iconic role as Lydia Grant in the hit TV series, "Fame." She has since gone on to create an esteemed reputation for herself in the dance community as a teacher, choreographer, and director.

    At the Debbie Allen Dance Academy, students can enroll in a variety of programs, including ballet, modern, tap, jazz, hip hop, African, and flamenco. The academy is known for its commitment to excellence in dance education, and its alumni have gone on to perform on some of the world's biggest stages.

    In addition to dance classes, the academy offers workshops, masterclasses, and summer intensives. Students can also audition for the Debbie Allen Dance Company, a professional dance company that has performed around the world.

    One of the unique aspects of the Debbie Allen Dance Academy is its focus on community outreach. The academy hosts an annual Christmas show for underprivileged children, and also partners with schools and community organizations to provide free dance classes to those who may not have access to them otherwise.

    Whether you are a beginner or an experienced dancer, the Debbie Allen Dance Academy is a great place to find your feet and hone your skills. With its commitment to excellence, community outreach, and talented faculty, it's no wonder that it is one of the top dance schools in the United States.

  • Broadway Dance Center

    For those looking to get a taste of the New York City dance scene, Broadway Dance Center is a must-visit. Located in the heart of Times Square, this studio has been a training ground for countless Broadway performers, as well as aspiring dancers from around the world.

    Classes at Broadway Dance Center range from ballet and jazz to hip-hop and contemporary, with offerings for all ages and skill levels. The studio also frequently hosts master classes and workshops with industry professionals, providing students with opportunities to learn from some of the best in the business.

    But it’s not just the impressive roster of teachers that sets Broadway Dance Center apart – it’s also the sense of community. From the friendly staff to the supportive fellow dancers, students at this studio quickly become part of a tight-knit group that is passionate about dance.

    If you’re ever in New York City and have a love for dance, be sure to stop by Broadway Dance Center. Who knows – you might just catch the eye of a casting director while you’re there!

  • Ballet Academy East

    Founded in 1979, the Ballet Academy East is located in New York City and is dedicated to providing the highest quality dance education to its students. The school’s faculty is comprised of former dancers from renowned ballet companies such as American Ballet Theatre and New York City Ballet.

    At the Ballet Academy East, students are trained in a range of techniques including ballet, contemporary dance, and tap dance. The school offers programs for all levels, from beginners to pre-professionals, as well as an adult dance program.

    One unique feature of the Ballet Academy East is their focus on injury prevention and rehabilitation. The school offers Pilates and physical therapy services to its students, as well as a Wellness Center where students can receive guidance on nutrition and stress management.

    The Ballet Academy East also provides performance opportunities for its students, including the annual Winter Concert and Spring Showcase. Many graduates of the school have gone on to dance professionally with companies such as American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, and Miami City Ballet.

    If you’re looking for a top-notch ballet education in New York City, the Ballet Academy East is definitely worth considering. With its renowned faculty, focus on injury prevention and rehabilitation, and performance opportunities, it’s no wonder that the school has a reputation as one of the premier dance schools in the United States.

  • The Rock School for Dance Education

    Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Rock School for Dance Education is one of the top ballet schools in the country. Founded in 1963 by dancer and choreographer Rockin' Ron Pratt, The Rock School offers intensive training for dancers ages 8 to 19.

    With a curriculum that includes classical ballet, contemporary, and character dance, The Rock School has produced numerous successful dancers who have gone on to perform with companies such as American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, and San Francisco Ballet. 

    The school's faculty includes renowned teachers and choreographers such as Bo and Stephanie Spassoff, who have trained many award-winning dancers.

    In addition to its full-time programs, The Rock School also offers summer intensive programs for students who want to train during their break from school. These intensives feature master classes with guest teachers from some of the best ballet companies in the world.

    The Rock School's state-of-the-art facilities include six studios, a black box theater, and a Pilates room. With its emphasis on discipline, dedication, and artistry, The Rock School for Dance Education is a great place for aspiring ballet dancers to find their feet and achieve their dreams.

  • The School at Jacob’s Pillow

    Located in the heart of the Berkshires in Massachusetts, The School at Jacob’s Pillow is a world-renowned dance school that attracts students and instructors from around the globe. This prestigious school is situated on the grounds of the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, which is the longest-running dance festival in the United States.

    The school’s curriculum focuses on ballet, contemporary dance, and jazz. The faculty is comprised of some of the most accomplished and respected dancers and teachers in the world, including current and former members of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Martha Graham Dance Company, and New York City Ballet.

    The school offers a variety of programs, including a two-week Ballet Program, a four-week Contemporary Program, and a two-week Jazz/Musical Theatre Dance Program. Students have the opportunity to take classes in dance technique, choreography, improvisation, and dance history, as well as attend performances and lectures by guest artists and choreographers.

    The School at Jacob’s Pillow also provides students with unique opportunities to perform and showcase their talents. The school’s annual Inside/Out Performance Series allows students to perform for a live audience in an outdoor setting, while the Dance Creation Residency Program allows students to work with professional choreographers to create their own works.

    Attending The School at Jacob’s Pillow is a transformative experience that allows students to develop their skills, broaden their perspectives, and make lasting connections in the dance world. 

    Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dancer, this premier dance school offers a world-class education that will prepare you for a career in dance.

  • Miami City Ballet School

    Miami City Ballet School is known for providing its students with a world-class dance education, inspiring them to reach their full potential. The school offers classes in classical ballet, modern dance, jazz, and contemporary dance for children as young as three years old all the way up to adults. The Miami City Ballet School is part of the Miami City Ballet, which is a highly acclaimed professional ballet company that has performed all over the world.

    The Miami City Ballet School focuses on creating a strong foundation of technical proficiency in classical ballet while also nurturing the individual artistry and creativity of each student. The school's faculty consists of experienced teachers and renowned guest artists who provide personalized attention to each student, ensuring they receive the highest quality education.

    In addition to the regular school curriculum, Miami City Ballet School offers a summer program that provides an intensive dance education for aspiring dancers. The program is open to students from all over the world and includes classes in ballet technique, pointe work, modern dance, jazz, and other dance styles. The summer program also includes workshops and seminars on nutrition, injury prevention, and dance history.

    Many students who attend the Miami City Ballet School have gone on to have successful careers as professional dancers, both in the United States and internationally. Some have even become principal dancers with the Miami City Ballet company itself. Whether you are looking to pursue a career in dance or just looking for a high-quality dance education, Miami City Ballet School is definitely a top choice.

  • Pacific Northwest Ballet School

    If you're located in the Seattle area and looking to develop your dance skills, Pacific Northwest Ballet School is definitely worth checking out. With classes available for all levels and ages, their curriculum includes ballet, modern, jazz, and even a boys' dance program.

    The school's faculty is top-notch, with many teachers who have danced professionally with Pacific Northwest Ballet Company. They offer classes in both the traditional Vaganova method as well as the Balanchine style, so you can get a well-rounded education in classical ballet. 

    Pacific Northwest Ballet School also offers a professional division for serious students looking to pursue a career in dance. This program includes a full-day curriculum with classes in technique, pointe, variations, modern, partnering, and more. Students also have the opportunity to perform with Pacific Northwest Ballet Company in their productions.

    Not only is Pacific Northwest Ballet School known for their exceptional dance training, but they also have a focus on overall health and wellness for their students. They offer classes in nutrition, conditioning, and injury prevention to ensure their dancers are staying healthy and taking care of their bodies.

    Overall, Pacific Northwest Ballet School is a great option for those looking to improve their dance skills and possibly even pursue a professional dance career. With a strong faculty, diverse curriculum, and emphasis on health and wellness, they provide a well-rounded education for dancers of all levels.

  • San Francisco Ballet School

    Located in one of the world’s most vibrant cultural hubs, the San Francisco Ballet School is a mecca for aspiring dancers. Established in 1933, the school has produced countless accomplished professionals, including several principal dancers in the San Francisco Ballet Company.

    The San Francisco Ballet School offers an intensive curriculum that covers classical ballet technique, modern dance, choreography, and performance. Its faculty comprises world-class instructors who have trained at some of the most prestigious dance institutions in the world.

    One unique aspect of the school is its Pre-Professional Program, which provides students with the opportunity to receive training that closely mirrors the professional company’s daily routine. Students participate in a rigorous schedule of classes, rehearsals, and performances, giving them a taste of the demanding yet exhilarating world of professional dance.

    The San Francisco Ballet School also prioritizes inclusivity, offering classes and workshops for children and adults of all ages and skill levels. This approach allows for a diverse community of dancers, creating a supportive and welcoming environment for everyone who steps through the door.

    Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dancer, the San Francisco Ballet School is a top-notch destination for those seeking a world-class dance education. With its exceptional training and nurturing environment, this school truly stands out among the best dance schools and studios in the United States.

Dance Schools in the United Kingdom

When it comes to dance education, the United Kingdom is home to some of the world's top schools and studios. With so many to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which ones are best for you. That's why we've put together a list of the UK's elite: the top dance schools and studios in the country.

Here, you'll find information about each one, including its curriculum, student life, and more, so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

So read on and discover the UK's best dance schools and studios!

  • Pineapple Dance Studios

    Founded in 1979 by the renowned choreographer, Debbie Moore, Pineapple Dance Studios is an iconic dance institution that is located in the heart of London. Known for its energetic and eclectic approach to dance, Pineapple has been attracting dance enthusiasts from all around the world for decades.

    Pineapple Dance Studios offers an impressive range of classes, from ballet and tap to street and contemporary. It also offers classes for children, adults and seniors, ensuring that there is something for everyone at this legendary institution.

    Many famous dancers and choreographers have trained at Pineapple Dance Studios over the years, including Madonna, Kylie Minogue, and Sir Elton John. The studios have also featured in numerous TV shows, including the popular Sky1 reality show, "Pineapple Dance Studios".

    One of the standout features of Pineapple Dance Studios is the incredibly talented and passionate instructors who teach there. They bring their wealth of experience and knowledge to each class, creating a supportive and inspiring learning environment for all.

    In addition to its world-class dance classes, Pineapple Dance Studios also hosts regular workshops, events and auditions, providing aspiring dancers with valuable opportunities to develop their skills and progress their careers.

    Overall, Pineapple Dance Studios is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves dance and wants to learn from some of the best instructors in the world. Its energetic and inclusive atmosphere, coupled with its reputation for producing outstanding dancers, make it one of the top dance schools in the UK.

  • London Studio Centre

    Located in the heart of London, the London Studio Centre is known for providing outstanding training in a range of disciplines including ballet, contemporary, jazz, musical theatre, and street dance. Founded in 1978, the centre has produced numerous graduates who have gone on to become successful performers, choreographers, and dance educators. 

    The London Studio Centre has an excellent reputation for providing rigorous and intensive training that focuses on both technique and creativity. The faculty comprises some of the most highly regarded dance teachers in the industry who provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their students.

    The centre's training programme includes a range of modules that cover all aspects of dance education including dance technique, performance skills, choreography, and dance history. Students can also opt for additional modules such as Pilates, yoga, and nutrition to help support their overall wellbeing and fitness.

    The London Studio Centre also boasts state-of-the-art facilities that include six fully equipped dance studios, a theatre, a fitness suite, and a student lounge. The centre's location in the vibrant and cultural city of London also provides students with a range of performance opportunities, including guest appearances in West End shows, as well as professional networking opportunities.

    The London Studio Centre offers both full-time and part-time courses, including a three-year BA (Hons) in Professional Dance and Performance, a two-year foundation degree in Dance and Musical Theatre, and a range of part-time courses for adults.

    If you are looking for a dance school that provides world-class training in a supportive and nurturing environment, the London Studio Centre is definitely worth considering. With a focus on creativity and innovation, the centre provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the competitive world of dance.

  • Bird College

    Another highly acclaimed dance school in the UK is Bird College. Located in Sidcup, Kent, this institution offers degree-level programs in dance, musical theatre, and dance education. The college has produced a long list of successful alumni who have gone on to have successful careers in the performing arts industry.

    One of the most notable alumni of Bird College is Kerry Ellis, who has become one of the biggest stars of West End theatre. Other famous alumni include Carley Stenson, who has starred in the musicals Legally Blonde and Shrek the Musical, and Lisa Mathieson, who has performed in West End productions of The Lion King and Wicked.

    Bird College has a strong focus on contemporary dance, which is evident in the courses and training offered to students. The institution also has strong ties to the entertainment industry, providing opportunities for students to work with professionals and gain valuable experience in their chosen field.

    Overall, Bird College is an excellent choice for students who are serious about pursuing a career in dance or musical theatre. With a strong emphasis on contemporary dance and excellent connections within the industry, this institution offers an exceptional learning experience and the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge that will set graduates up for success in their future careers.

  • Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance

    Located in Greenwich, London, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance is a renowned institution for dance education. With a strong focus on contemporary dance, Trinity Laban offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in dance, as well as professional development programs for working dancers. 

    The conservatoire boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including several purpose-built dance studios and a fully-equipped theatre, giving students ample opportunities to hone their skills in a professional setting. Students are also exposed to a diverse range of styles and techniques, from ballet to urban dance, through a comprehensive curriculum that combines theory, practice, and performance.

    Trinity Laban has an impressive roster of alumni, including renowned choreographers, performers, and educators, such as Akram Khan, Hofesh Shechter, and Yolande Snaith. The institution also collaborates with leading dance companies and festivals, providing students with valuable performance opportunities and industry connections.

    Trinity Laban is known for its innovative approach to dance education, encouraging students to explore their creativity and develop their own unique artistic voice. The conservatoire's focus on contemporary dance reflects the evolving nature of the dance industry, preparing students to excel in a dynamic and competitive field.

    Whether you're an aspiring professional dancer or a seasoned performer looking to expand your skills, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance is definitely worth considering. With its world-class facilities, renowned faculty, and innovative approach to dance education, it is a top choice for dancers seeking the best training in the United Kingdom.

  • Elmhurst School for Dance

    The Elmhurst School for Dance is a world-renowned institution located in the city of Birmingham, in the heart of the United Kingdom. It was established in 2002, after the merger of the Elmhurst School for Girls and the Royal Ballet School.

    This prestigious school is committed to providing its students with the best possible training in classical ballet and other forms of dance. Its highly experienced faculty members are passionate about dance and have trained some of the best dancers in the world.

    Elmhurst School for Dance offers a range of programs, including a full-time ballet program, a pre-vocational program, and a summer school program. The full-time ballet program is designed for students aged 11 to 19 who are interested in pursuing a career in dance. It provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes classical ballet, contemporary dance, and other dance styles.

    The pre-vocational program is for students aged 8 to 11 who are interested in dance but may not be ready to commit to a full-time program. This program provides an excellent foundation in dance and prepares students for entry into the full-time ballet program.

    The Elmhurst School for Dance summer school program is open to students aged 9 to 18 who want to improve their dance skills and learn from some of the best teachers in the industry. The program includes a range of classes, including classical ballet, contemporary dance, jazz, and more.

    At Elmhurst School for Dance, students are encouraged to be creative, innovative, and collaborative. They are challenged to push themselves to achieve their goals and are supported by a dedicated faculty who are committed to helping them succeed. With its exceptional facilities, outstanding faculty, and commitment to excellence, the Elmhurst School for Dance is one of the top dance schools in the United Kingdom and a great place to train for a career in dance.

  • The Royal Ballet School

    The Royal Ballet School, based in London, is one of the most prestigious dance schools in the world. It is the official school of The Royal Ballet, one of the world's leading classical ballet companies. 

    The school was founded in 1926 by Dame Ninette de Valois, who wanted to establish a company of classical ballet in England. It has since become an institution that attracts dancers from all over the world and provides them with world-class training in ballet and contemporary dance. 

    The school has three different programmes - the full-time training programme, the mid/senior level training programme, and the junior associate programme. The full-time programme is for students aged between 11 and 18 and offers a rigorous training schedule with a focus on classical ballet. 

    Students who attend the school have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including seven studios, a gym, and a physiotherapy suite. The school also provides students with performance opportunities, both in-house and in external venues. 

    One of the unique aspects of The Royal Ballet School is the emphasis placed on academic education as well. The school's academic programme includes core subjects such as English, Maths, and Science, along with specialized courses in dance history, anatomy, and nutrition. 

    The Royal Ballet School has a distinguished list of alumni, including Darcey Bussell, Margot Fonteyn, and Lauren Cuthbertson. Its graduates have gone on to dance with some of the most renowned companies in the world, including The Royal Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, and Paris Opera Ballet. 

    Attending The Royal Ballet School is a dream come true for many aspiring dancers, and it's not hard to see why. The combination of rigorous training, performance opportunities, and academic education makes it a world-class institution that produces some of the finest dancers in the industry.

  • Northern School of Contemporary Dance

    The Northern School of Contemporary Dance is a renowned dance school located in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Established in 1985, the school is dedicated to providing quality dance education to students who are passionate about contemporary dance.

    The school offers a range of dance programs, including a three-year Bachelor of Performing Arts (Contemporary Dance) degree program, a one-year foundation program, and a postgraduate diploma program in contemporary dance. 

    Students at the school have access to top-notch dance studios, state-of-the-art performance spaces, and professional choreographers who work closely with them to help them hone their skills.

    The Northern School of Contemporary Dance also offers various dance workshops and masterclasses throughout the year, where students can learn from renowned choreographers and dancers from around the world.

    Graduates from the Northern School of Contemporary Dance have gone on to have successful careers in the dance industry, performing with prestigious dance companies such as Rambert, Hofesh Shechter Company, and BalletBoyz, among others.

    Overall, the Northern School of Contemporary Dance is a fantastic choice for anyone who is serious about pursuing a career in contemporary dance. With its dedicated faculty, excellent facilities, and industry connections, this school has everything you need to take your dance career to the next level.

  • London Contemporary Dance School

    Located in the heart of London, the London Contemporary Dance School (LCDS) is a renowned institution for contemporary dance training. The school has been in operation for over 50 years and has produced some of the most innovative and successful dancers in the industry. 

    LCDS offers a three-year undergraduate program that is dedicated to contemporary dance training. The program is designed to develop technical, creative and performance skills, and prepares dancers for a career in the contemporary dance world. Students also have the opportunity to work with professional choreographers and companies during their time at LCDS.

    One of the unique aspects of the school is its emphasis on creativity and experimentation. Students are encouraged to explore their own choreographic voice and to develop their own style. The school also hosts regular performances and events, which provide a platform for students to showcase their work.

    In addition to the undergraduate program, LCDS offers a range of postgraduate courses, including a one-year diploma and a two-year Master's degree. These courses are designed for experienced dancers who wish to further develop their skills and knowledge.

    The faculty at LCDS is made up of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing students with the best possible training. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the school, and are committed to nurturing the next generation of contemporary dancers.

    If you're looking for a contemporary dance school that is dedicated to creativity, innovation and excellence, then the London Contemporary Dance School is definitely worth considering. With its world-class facilities, experienced faculty and emphasis on experimentation, LCDS is a fantastic choice for aspiring contemporary dancers.

  • Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance

    Another institution that offers world-class training in ballet and contemporary dance is the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance. Founded in 1914, this London-based school has been a leading force in the dance industry for over a century.

    The Rambert School offers a three-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Ballet and Contemporary Dance, as well as a one-year Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Dance. Students at the school benefit from small class sizes, personalized attention, and state-of-the-art facilities, including a purpose-built dance studio and a fully-equipped theatre.

    The school's curriculum focuses on classical ballet technique, contemporary dance, choreography, and improvisation, as well as supporting disciplines like music, anatomy, and nutrition. 

    Additionally, students have opportunities to work with professional choreographers and perform in front of live audiences, gaining invaluable experience in the industry.

    Graduates of the Rambert School have gone on to successful careers as professional dancers, choreographers, and teachers, working with some of the most prestigious companies in the world. If you're looking for a dance school that combines tradition with innovation, the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance is definitely one to consider.

  • Guildford School of Acting

    Guildford School of Acting (GSA) is one of the leading theatre schools in the UK and is part of the University of Surrey. GSA has a reputation for producing talented actors, singers, and dancers who have gone on to successful careers in the performing arts industry.

    The school offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Acting, Musical Theatre, and Actor-Musicianship. GSA’s courses are highly regarded and the school’s alumni include performers such as Michael Ball, Caroline Sheen, and Dianne Pilkington.

    GSA is situated in Guildford, a bustling town just 27 miles from central London. The school has state-of-the-art facilities, including three theatres, a fully equipped dance studio, and recording studios. GSA students have access to a range of support services, including career advice, accommodation support, and a dedicated student support team.

    GSA also has strong links with the professional theatre industry and students have the opportunity to perform in professional productions as part of their course. The school has close ties with many West End and touring productions, providing students with the chance to network and make contacts in the industry.

    Overall, GSA is a fantastic choice for anyone looking to pursue a career in the performing arts. With its outstanding reputation, excellent facilities, and links to the industry, GSA offers its students the very best training and support, helping them to reach their full potential as performers.

Dance Schools in Canada

Do you dream of becoming a professional dancer? If so, Canada is the perfect place to pursue your dreams. With a wide range of top-rated dance schools and studios located throughout the country, you can find the perfect program to help take your dancing skills to the next level. Whether you’re looking to brush up on your skills or audition for a prestigious dance company, our comprehensive guide to the best schools and studios in Canada will help you find the perfect fit for you.

  • Toronto

    Toronto is known for its vibrant dance scene, boasting numerous schools and studios for both professional and recreational dancers. Here are some of the top schools and studios to check out in the city:

    1. The National Ballet School - As Canada's premier dance education institution, the National Ballet School provides a rigorous training program for aspiring dancers. The school also offers community dance classes for all ages and levels.

    2. Ballet Jörgen - Founded in 1987, Ballet Jörgen is a contemporary ballet company that also offers training programs for aspiring dancers. They offer classes for children, teens, and adults.

    3. City Dance Corps - City Dance Corps offers a wide variety of dance classes, from ballet and jazz to hip hop and contemporary. They also offer dance workshops and intensives with renowned choreographers.

    4. The Underground Dance Centre - The Underground Dance Centre is a popular spot for dancers of all levels to take classes in various styles, including hip hop, jazz, and contemporary. The centre also hosts workshops and events with guest instructors.

    5. Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre - For those interested in contemporary dance, the Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre offers classes and training programs for youth and young adults. The company also performs regularly in Toronto and internationally.

    No matter your level or style preference, Toronto's dance scene has something for everyone. So, put on your dancing shoes and explore the city's top schools and studios.

  • Vancouver

    If you're looking to hit the dance floor in Vancouver, you're in luck – the city boasts a diverse array of top-tier dance schools and studios. Here are just a few worth checking out:

    1. Harbour Dance Centre

    This beloved dance studio offers a wide variety of classes for dancers of all levels, from ballet and jazz to hip hop and contemporary. With highly trained instructors and a friendly, supportive atmosphere, Harbour Dance Centre is a great choice for both recreational and professional dancers alike.

    2. Scotiabank Dance Centre

    Located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, the Scotiabank Dance Centre is a vibrant hub for the local dance community. With a range of dance styles represented – including ballet, contemporary, and tap – the centre also hosts performances and workshops from renowned choreographers and dance companies.

    3. Kinesis Dance somatheatro

    For something a little more avant-garde, look no further than Kinesis Dance somatheatro. Combining elements of dance, theatre, and physical expression, this innovative company offers classes and workshops in everything from contact improvisation to Butoh dance.

    Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner just starting out, Vancouver's dance scene has something for everyone. So why not strap on your dancing shoes and start exploring?

  • Montreal

    Montreal, the cultural capital of Quebec, is known for its lively arts and entertainment scene. It's no surprise that there are plenty of dance schools and studios in this vibrant city, catering to both beginner and advanced dancers.

    One of the most popular dance schools in Montreal is the École de Danse Contemporaine de Montréal (EDCM), which is renowned for its contemporary dance program. EDCM offers a range of courses, from introductory classes to advanced professional training, making it an excellent choice for dancers of all levels.

    Another prominent dance school in Montreal is the École de Ballet du Québec (EBQ), which focuses on classical ballet training. Founded in 1964, the EBQ has produced numerous successful dancers, many of whom have gone on to dance with renowned ballet companies worldwide.

    For those looking for a more alternative dance style, Tangente is an excellent option. This dance company is dedicated to the promotion of contemporary dance and regularly hosts performances and workshops in Montreal. 

    Tangente is an excellent choice for dancers looking to expand their dance repertoire.

    Lastly, there's Ballet Divertimento, which offers a unique combination of classical ballet and contemporary dance training. This school's philosophy is to foster creativity and individuality in its students, making it an excellent option for dancers who are looking for an unconventional approach to dance education.

    Montreal has plenty of other dance schools and studios to explore, but the ones listed above are some of the best in the city. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned dancer, Montreal has something to offer you.

  • Ottawa

    Ottawa is not only the capital city of Canada, but it is also home to some of the most prestigious dance schools and studios in the country. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced dancer, you will find plenty of options in Ottawa.

    The National Ballet School of Canada, which is one of the top ballet schools in the world, has a location in Ottawa. The school offers training for students of all ages and levels, from recreational dancers to those pursuing a professional career in ballet. The faculty is made up of highly trained and experienced instructors who have worked with some of the most renowned dance companies in the world.

    Another great option for those interested in ballet is the Ottawa School of Dance. This school has been offering quality ballet training for over 40 years and has produced many successful dancers. 

    The faculty includes former professional dancers and highly trained instructors who focus on providing personalized attention to each student.

    For those interested in other dance styles, there are plenty of options in Ottawa. The Capital City Dance Academy offers classes in jazz, tap, contemporary, and hip hop, among other styles. 

    The studio has a welcoming and inclusive environment and encourages dancers of all ages and levels to join.

    Another studio worth checking out is the Studio School of Dance. This studio offers classes in ballet, jazz, tap, and acro for students of all ages. The instructors are highly experienced and create a fun and supportive environment for all dancers.

    Whether you are looking to pursue a professional career in dance or simply want to improve your skills and have fun, Ottawa has plenty of options to choose from. Make sure to explore these top dance schools and studios during your next visit to the capital city.

Dance Schools in Australia

Are you looking for a way to express your love of dance in Australia? If so, then you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will be looking at some of the top-rated dance studios down under. From the urban jungles of Sydney to the beaches of Melbourne, we'll explore the best places to learn the latest dance styles and techniques. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dancer, you're sure to find something to match your skill level in one of these premier dance studios.

  • Sydney Dance Company

    The Sydney Dance Company is one of the most prestigious and sought-after dance studios in Australia. Founded in 1969 by Australian dancer, choreographer, and director Graeme Murphy, the company has been a pioneer in contemporary dance, earning worldwide acclaim for its innovative and exciting productions.

    The company has an impressive repertoire that spans a wide range of dance styles, from ballet to modern dance, and has produced many celebrated works, such as 'Air and Other Invisible Forces' and 'Tivoli'.

    What makes the Sydney Dance Company stand out is its focus on innovation and experimentation. The studio is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in contemporary dance and creating bold, exciting new works that challenge audiences and inspire dancers around the world.

    With a team of talented and experienced teachers, the Sydney Dance Company offers a range of classes for dancers of all levels, from beginner to advanced. Whether you're interested in ballet, jazz, or contemporary dance, there's something for everyone at this top-rated dance studio.

    So, if you're looking for a dance school that will push you to your limits and help you unlock your full potential as a dancer, the Sydney Dance Company is definitely worth checking out.

  • Chunky Move

    Based in Melbourne, Chunky Move is a contemporary dance company that has been pushing boundaries since 1995. Known for their innovative choreography, their works often incorporate multimedia elements, including digital projection and interactive technology.

    The company's artistic director, Antony Hamilton, has been praised for his imaginative and daring approach to dance. Chunky Move has been commissioned by prestigious organizations such as the Venice Biennale and the Melbourne International Arts Festival.

    In addition to their performances, Chunky Move also offers a range of dance classes and workshops. These include contemporary dance, improvisation, and yoga for dancers. The company is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of dance talent, and their programs are open to dancers of all levels.

    If you're looking to explore the cutting edge of contemporary dance in Australia, Chunky Move is definitely worth checking out. With their unique vision and commitment to experimentation, they're a leading voice in the world of dance.

  • Expressions Dance Company

    Located in Brisbane, Expressions Dance Company is a contemporary dance company that has been making waves in the Australian dance scene since its establishment in 1984. Known for their bold and innovative performances, EDC has built a reputation for pushing boundaries and experimenting with new forms of contemporary dance.

    Led by the Artistic Director Amy Hollingsworth, the company is composed of talented dancers who come from all over the world. The company's repertoire includes works by some of the most renowned choreographers in the world, including Natalie Weir, Rafael Bonachela, and Antony Hamilton.

    Expressions Dance Company also runs a number of programs for aspiring dancers. The Youth Ensemble is designed for dancers between the ages of 14 and 18 who are serious about pursuing a career in dance. The Pre-Professional Year is a full-time training program that prepares young dancers for tertiary dance programs and a career in the industry.

    EDC is committed to engaging with the community and promoting dance as an art form. The company's Education and Outreach program offers a range of activities, including workshops, classes, and talks, for people of all ages and abilities.

    If you're a lover of contemporary dance and happen to be in Brisbane, make sure to catch one of EDC's performances. Their next show, "The Dinner Party," promises to be an exciting and immersive experience that explores the social and political issues of our time.

  • Australian Ballet School

    The Australian Ballet School, founded in 1964, is one of the most prestigious dance schools in the world. It's a national institution for elite ballet training and performance and has a long-standing history of producing exceptional dancers who go on to perform in the country's leading dance companies.

    Located in Melbourne, the school has state-of-the-art facilities that provide a nurturing environment for students to develop their skills and techniques in classical ballet. The faculty is made up of experienced and accomplished professionals who have trained and performed in the best dance companies worldwide. 

    The Australian Ballet School offers a variety of programs for aspiring dancers, including a full-time program, part-time program, and an after-school program for young children. They also offer short-term courses for students who want to improve their skills or learn new styles of dance. 

    The school's focus is on classical ballet, but they also provide training in contemporary dance and other dance forms to create a well-rounded dancer. The curriculum includes classes in ballet technique, pointe work, pas de deux, character dance, contemporary, and choreography.

    Many alumni of the Australian Ballet School have gone on to have successful careers in dance, performing with the country's leading companies such as The Australian Ballet, Sydney Dance Company, and Bangarra Dance Theatre. 

    If you're looking for a school that offers exceptional ballet training, the Australian Ballet School should definitely be on your list. The school's reputation, faculty, and facilities make it an ideal place for serious dancers who want to pursue a career in dance.

  • Victorian College of the Arts

    If you're looking for a dance school that's dedicated to honing your technique and skills, the Victorian College of the Arts should definitely be on your list. This prestigious institution has been training dancers for over 50 years and is known for producing some of Australia's finest performers.

    At the Victorian College of the Arts, students have the opportunity to work with experienced faculty members who are passionate about dance. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of dance, including history, theory, and performance. This holistic approach to dance education helps students develop a deep appreciation for the art form, as well as the technical skills needed to succeed as a professional dancer.

    One of the unique features of the Victorian College of the Arts is its focus on contemporary dance. Students are encouraged to explore new forms of movement and to challenge themselves creatively. This approach has produced some truly groundbreaking dance works, which have been performed both nationally and internationally.

    In addition to its academic programs, the Victorian College of the Arts offers a range of community outreach initiatives. These include dance workshops and performances, as well as collaborations with local schools and community organizations. By sharing the joy of dance with others, the Victorian College of the Arts is helping to build a stronger and more vibrant dance community in Australia.

    If you're passionate about dance and are looking for a school that can help you reach your full potential, the Victorian College of the Arts is definitely worth considering. With its world-class faculty, innovative curriculum, and commitment to excellence, this institution is helping to shape the future of dance in Australia and beyond.

Dance Schools in New Zealand

Are you looking to refine your dance skills or start learning a new style altogether? Look no further than these top dance schools and studios in New Zealand. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, these dance establishments offer a wide range of classes to suit all levels and interests. From classical ballet to hip hop and everything in between, kick your dancing dreams into high gear and get ready to groove with the best in the business.

So, get your dance shoes on and let's explore some of the top dance schools and studios in New Zealand.

  • Top Dance Schools in Auckland

    If you're looking for some of the best dance schools in New Zealand, Auckland is a great place to start. From ballet to contemporary to hip hop, there are plenty of options for dancers of all ages and skill levels. Here are some of the top dance schools in Auckland to consider:

    1. The Dance Studio: This studio offers classes in ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop, and more for students ages 2 and up. They also have a competitive dance team for more advanced dancers.

    2. Auckland Academy of Dance: The Auckland Academy of Dance is known for its strong ballet program, but also offers classes in contemporary, jazz, tap, and musical theatre. They have classes for children and adults.

    3. Studio One: This dance school has a focus on contemporary and modern dance, and offers classes for beginners as well as advanced dancers. They also offer workshops and performance opportunities.

    4. Viva Dance: Viva Dance is a popular spot for adults looking to take dance classes, with offerings in salsa, bachata, ballroom, and more. They have drop-in classes and workshops as well as longer courses.

    5. The Auckland Dance Company: The Auckland Dance Company offers classes in ballet, jazz, contemporary, and hip hop for dancers ages 3 and up. They also have a performance program for more serious dancers.

    No matter what your dance style or level of experience, Auckland has plenty of options to help you achieve your dancing dreams.

  • Top Dance Studios in Wellington

    Wellington is a vibrant city that's famous for its love of the arts. It's no wonder, then, that there are several fantastic dance studios that offer an array of dance classes and training options.

    1. The New Zealand School of Dance - Located in Te Whaea, The New Zealand School of Dance is an internationally recognized institution that offers training in classical ballet, contemporary dance, and cultural dance forms. The school also hosts public performances and workshops throughout the year.

    2. Capital Dance - Capital Dance offers a variety of dance classes, including contemporary, jazz, hip hop, ballet, and tap. They have experienced teachers who focus on building students' technique and confidence while creating a fun and supportive learning environment.

    3. Tempo Dance Studio - Tempo Dance Studio has a team of professional teachers who offer classes in ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop, and tap. They also have classes for kids, beginners, and adults, making it a great place for the whole family to get involved.

    4. FDM Dance Centre - FDM Dance Centre offers classes in contemporary, hip hop, jazz, and lyrical. Their highly experienced teachers are passionate about dance and strive to bring out the best in each student.

    5. Island Bay School of Dance - Island Bay School of Dance has been operating for over 25 years and has become a popular choice for kids and adults in Wellington. They offer classes in ballet, jazz, tap, and contemporary dance, and focus on developing technique, musicality, and artistry in each student.

    Whether you're a seasoned dancer or a beginner, these top dance studios in Wellington offer something for everyone. So why not kick off your dancing dreams into high gear and sign up for a class today!

  • Best Ballet Schools in Christchurch

    If you're looking to pursue ballet in Christchurch, you have plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the best ballet schools in the city:

    1. The National School of Dance and Ballet

    This prestigious school offers classes in ballet, contemporary, and jazz, with options for students of all ages and skill levels. The school's impressive faculty includes former professional dancers, choreographers, and dance educators.

    2. The Christchurch Ballet Society

    Founded in 1965, the Christchurch Ballet Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ballet in the community. The society offers classes for children and adults, as well as performances and outreach programs.

    3. Southern Ballet Theatre

    Located in the suburb of Spreydon, Southern Ballet Theatre offers a range of classes in ballet, jazz, contemporary, and hip hop. The school also hosts regular performances and showcases, giving students the opportunity to showcase their skills on stage.

    4. The Dance Education Centre

    With over 30 years of experience, the Dance Education Centre is one of the leading dance schools in Christchurch. The school offers classes in ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, and more, with options for students of all ages and skill levels.

    No matter which ballet school you choose in Christchurch, you can be sure that you'll receive top-notch instruction and a supportive community of dancers. So what are you waiting for? Start lacing up your ballet shoes and get ready to dance!

  • Contemporary Dance Classes in Dunedin

    If you're in Dunedin and looking for a contemporary dance class, you're in luck. Dunedin is home to some fantastic dance studios offering contemporary dance classes for all levels.

    One of the most highly-regarded studios in Dunedin is the RASA School of Dance. They offer a range of classes, including contemporary dance classes for beginners and intermediate levels. The instructors at RASA School of Dance are all highly qualified and experienced in contemporary dance, so you know you're in good hands.

    Another popular option is the Dance & Arts Therapy NZ studio. They offer a range of classes, including contemporary dance classes for both kids and adults. They focus on using dance as a form of therapy and self-expression, so their classes have a unique and empowering approach.

    If you're a student, you might want to check out the University of Otago's dance program. They offer contemporary dance classes as part of their program, and their classes are taught by professional dancers and choreographers.

    No matter what your skill level or background is, there is a contemporary dance class for you in Dunedin. Take the first step and try out a class at one of these studios today!

  • Hip Hop and Urban Dance Schools in Hamilton

    For those looking to learn some sick moves in the hip hop and urban dance scene, Hamilton has some top-notch schools to offer. These schools are dedicated to teaching students all about urban dance styles and their evolution.

    1. Urban Dance Academy:

    This academy has been around since 2005 and has gained a reputation as one of the best urban dance schools in the region. The teachers here are passionate about teaching students the latest urban dance styles and the foundations of hip hop. The academy offers classes for beginners, intermediates, and advanced students, and the classes are held in a positive and welcoming environment.

    2. Street Dance Academy:

    This school has been providing dance education to Hamilton's youth since 2011. The instructors at the Street Dance Academy focus on providing the best education in hip hop, breakdance, popping, and locking. They have programs available for both adults and children, and all classes are high-energy and designed to challenge the students.

    3. KR3W Dance Company:

    Founded by Kiel Tutin, who is one of the world's most recognized choreographers, KR3W Dance Company is the place to be for those looking to take their dance skills to the next level. This dance company offers training in various urban dance styles like hip hop, locking, and popping. With KR3W Dance Company, students are taught by some of the best in the business and will have the chance to perform on a national stage.

    Hamilton has some amazing hip hop and urban dance schools to offer. So, if you want to learn some sick moves and become a part of the ever-evolving world of urban dance, enroll yourself in one of these top schools and take the first step towards achieving your dancing dreams.

  • Tap and Jazz Schools in Tauranga

    If you're looking to kick up your heels and add some pizzazz to your dance repertoire, look no further than the tap and jazz schools in Tauranga. These schools offer expert instruction in tap and jazz dance techniques that will have you tapping and swinging to the beat in no time.

    First on the list is Dance Avenue, a Tauranga-based dance studio that offers classes in tap and jazz for all ages and skill levels. Led by highly trained instructors, their classes cover a range of styles, including classical, contemporary, and modern tap and jazz techniques. With a fun and welcoming atmosphere, Dance Avenue is the perfect place to start your tap and jazz dance journey.

    Another great option is Tauranga Academy of Performing Arts (TAPA), which offers comprehensive training in a range of performing arts disciplines, including tap and jazz dance. TAPA's tap and jazz classes are designed to challenge and inspire students of all ages and levels, helping them develop their skills and passion for dance. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, TAPA has the expertise and resources to help you reach your full potential.

    Finally, if you're looking for a more focused and intensive tap and jazz program, consider checking out Elite Dance Academy. Their tap and jazz classes are led by top-notch instructors who specialize in these styles, providing students with the highest level of technical training and artistry. 

    With a reputation for excellence in both competition and performance, Elite Dance Academy is a great choice for serious dancers looking to take their skills to the next level.

    In summary, Tauranga is home to a number of outstanding tap and jazz schools that offer top-quality instruction and training for dancers of all levels and ages. So if you're looking to add some flair and energy to your dance routine, be sure to check out these fantastic schools and studios.

  • Ballroom and Latin Dance Studios in Queenstown

    If you're looking for a more classic style of dance, ballroom and Latin dancing might be right up your alley. Luckily, there are a few excellent studios in Queenstown that cater to these styles.

    The Queenstown School of Dance offers a range of ballroom and Latin dance classes for both adults and children. Their expert instructors teach a variety of dances including the cha cha, samba, jive, tango, and waltz. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dancer, there's something for everyone at this school.

    Another option is the Latin Fire Dance Studio, which specializes in Latin American styles such as salsa, bachata, and rumba. The studio has a great community feel and offers both group classes and private lessons. Their skilled instructors create a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable to learn and have fun.

    If you're after something a bit different, why not try Swing Junction Queenstown? While not strictly ballroom or Latin dancing, swing dancing is still a great way to learn partner dancing skills and have a blast at the same time. Swing Junction offers classes for beginners, as well as intermediate and advanced dancers. It's a great way to meet new people, too.

    So if you're looking for ballroom or Latin dancing lessons in Queenstown, these studios are definitely worth checking out. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dancer, there's something for everyone. Don't be afraid to try something new - you might just find a new passion!

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